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Shower Benches and Seats

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When standing up in the shower is too taxing or getting in and out of the bathtub is too difficult, a shower chair or tub transfer bench can help. Likewise, if you have small children, a bath stool will give them that extra boost they need to reach the sink. These specialty seats come in a variety of styles, as well, such as a teak shower bench, folding shower seat and even bath lifts, making it easy to customize them to your specific needs and even style preferences. The following information will help you choose from the wide selection of shower seats:

Will a shower bench make bathing easier?

A shower seat is a smart idea regardless of your age and health. If you or a loved one has difficulty standing while bathing, a shower bench will make their routine much easier and give them more independence. Or perhaps you simply want to sit down and relax in the shower — go ahead, you deserve a moment of peace!

What is the best materials for a shower chair?

In terms of materials, a teak shower stool is designed to withstand the constant moisture of a bathroom and coordinates well with most design styles. A plastic or stainless steel shower bench will hold up too, as well as provide you with the perfect ledge to rest your leg while shaving or scrubbing your toes. Make sure the bath stool you want will fit nicely in your space; you want it enhance your bathing experience, not get in the way.